MSL operates at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, and Embedded Systems Engineering.
What We Do

We specialize in leaning into cutting edge research and adapting it to solve real-world challenges in the field. We cover a good bit of ground, including:- Embedded, resource constrained, ultra-low-power ML model design, training, quantization/optimization, and deployment.- Real-time embedded systems engineering for industry {predictive analytics, low power mesh networking} and robotics {perception, state-estimation, planning and control}.- Vulnerability discovery and exploit development.- Malware/shellcode analysis and reverse engineering.- Hardware/firmware reverse engineering.- Software/firmware code obfuscation/protection and anti-reverse engineering.- Cybersecurity red/purple teaming/risk assessments.
The Team
The team at MSL has decades of deep subject matter expertise in cybersecurity, embedded systems development, reverse engineering, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. We pride ourselves on providing solutions that don't just 'work', but 'work right'. We have built products ranging from special purpose data-center gear containing hundreds of clustered FPGAs, to ultra-low-power wireless sensor devices lasting over a decade on a single battery.We understand the ins and outs of building real-world fielded products and love tackling the hard problems.
Contact Us

Reach out to see how we can help your team push the limits of what's possible.Headquartered in Austin, TX
Copyright (c) 2024 - Metastable Labs LLC